Church Insights

Updated by Amanda Bixler

Insights allow you to view aggregated data to see how your church and the larger YouVersion Community are engaging with Scripture.

  1. Select the Insights tab.
  2. Select the Church tab.

Through Insights, you’ll see:

  • People who have set your church as theirs on the Bible App.
  • Your church daily and weekly engagement.
  • Top search trends and highlighted verses.
  • Most-read books of the Bible.
  • Popular reading and devotional Bible Plans.
  • Your church engagement with Posts you shared.

Quick Tips
  • Your Church Insights are available once your profile is published and at least five people have selected “Set As My Church” in the app.
  • There is a 3-day delay for data updates, which means that data from Sunday won't appear until 3 days later (so Wednesday).
Because of this delay, you may see that your church has 5 or more people connected but it will still take up to 3 additional days for Insights to unlock in YouVersion Connect.
  • Plan data is focused on people who have started a Plan, as opposed to individual Plan starts. For example, if one person starts multiple Plans within 28 days, it'd still only count as 1.
  • Plan data is available regardless of whether they were individual Private or Public, or Plan with Friends.
  • If someone follows your church today, their data will retroactively be pulled for the past 28 days.
  • You can view your church's overall data or filter by location if your church has multiple locations.

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