Writing for Guided Scripture

Guided Scripture (formerly Verse of the Day Stories) is part of the Daily Refresh feature in the Bible App. The goal of Daily Refresh and Guided Scripture is to help a typical user take a step toward starting or keeping a daily habit of engaging with God's Word.
In addition to a video teaching from a trusted communicator in some languages, Guided Scripture is made up of a handful of written pieces, called modules. Each module has specific parameters associated with it. Below, you'll find a description of each module and some best practices to follow as you create your content for Guided Scripture.
Best Practices
As you write, keep in mind that your audience is global and coming from all stages of life. We want everyone to feel welcomed on the Bible App—especially people who might still be figuring out what following Jesus looks like. In some cases, your writing will be translated by our Localization Team into dozens of languages.
If a term or phrase sounds like something you might only learn in a Sunday School class or a college course, it’s best to find an alternative. Make sure to avoid other geographically specific terms, slang, or idioms. Do not write in the first person (using "I" or "me" statements) or share personal anecdotes.
Now, let's take a look at the parameters for each of the modules you'll be able to create.
The devotional module is a short, written devotional that helps provide context and application for a specific verse. (That verse should be assigned to you by the YouVersion team.) Each devotional should try to end with a practical application or reflective step that our Community can take part in.
As needed, give context for when and where the verse (or larger passage) was written, who wrote it, who they wrote it to, and why it was written.
Each devotional should be somewhere between 200-300 words long. Please include a short title for each devotional, and make sure to break up big blocks of text so that your content is more digestible.
As of today, devotionals do not support images, audio, video, or text formatting (bold, italics, or underlined text, numbered lists, bulleted lists, and indenting are not supported).
Reflection Questions
The short reflection question offers users an opportunity to respond directly to the verse and the teaching. The question and answers might prompt introspection or action. For example:
- Question: How have you seen God’s perfect faithfulness at work?
- Answer 1: He answered prayers for healing.
- Answer 2: He did what He promised He would do in His Word.
- Answer 3: He provided for me in a time of need.
Try to keep the question and answers to a single sentence or phrase.
Write a short prayer to wrap up the experience. Keep it to 50 words or fewer and include a short title as well. For example:
Title: A Prayer to Honor God
Text: God, I want to use my time to give You honor and praise. You have done incredible things in my life. One day, all people will know of Your power and glory. Help me to live in such a way that draws people to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Other Modules
The three modules above (Devotional, Reflection Question, and Prayer) are mandatory if your content will be translated. While using the feature, especially in English, you may come across some other modules you want to employ. Unless you have gained approval from the YouVersion team, please do not create content for these content types.
- Scripture. Scripture modules are designated by the YouVersion team. Typically one Scripture module is used and matches the Verse of the Day, but more can be used at our discretion.
- Bible Plan Days. In lieu of a devotional, a Bible Plan day can be used. The Plan day needs to fit very specific criteria and is not localized into other languages, so a devotional module is still required.
- Secondary Video Clips. A secondary video clip may promote a piece of content, a feature of the app like a partner page, or it may be a continuation of the teaching.
- Short Text. Occasionally a softer transition between slides is needed—in those cases, a short piece of text is used.
Delivering Your Content
Please deliver your written content in a Google Doc format via email to the YouVersion team member who assigned it to you by the deadline. Here is a template you are welcome to copy as you work on your written pieces. It includes all the mandatory components of the written content.
The YouVersion Editorial team will review your copy and reach out to you with any feedback, suggested changes, or approvals.