Church Insights
Insights allow you to view aggregated data to see how your church and the larger YouVersion Community are engaging with Scripture.

- Select the Insights tab.
- Select the Church tab.
Through Insights, you’ll see:
- People who have set your church as theirs on the Bible App.
- Your church daily and weekly engagement.
- Top search trends and highlighted verses.
- Most-read books of the Bible.
- Popular reading and devotional Bible Plans.
- Your church engagement with Posts you shared.
Quick Tips
- Your Church Insights are available once your profile is published and at least five people have selected “Set As My Church” in the app.
- There is a 3-day delay for data updates, which means that data from Sunday won't appear until 3 days later (so Wednesday).
Because of this delay, you may see that your church has 5 or more people connected but it will still take up to 3 additional days for Insights to unlock in YouVersion Connect.
- Plan data is focused on people who have started a Plan, as opposed to individual Plan starts. For example, if one person starts multiple Plans within 28 days, it'd still only count as 1.
- Plan data is available regardless of whether they were individual Private or Public, or Plan with Friends.
- If someone follows your church today, their data will retroactively be pulled for the past 28 days.
- You can view your church's overall data or filter by location if your church has multiple locations.