How To Add A Plan
Once you’ve reviewed our Bible Plan Basics, you’re ready to upload a Plan! The Partner Portal is where you’ll add and submit your Bible Plan. Intuitive navigation will help you know what elements your Plan needs and where to put them.
There are two places to add a Plan:
The (+) icon to the right of the Plans tab in the sidebar menu or the (+ Add a Plan) button next to My Bible Plans on the Portal Homepage.

Step 1 - Add Your Plan Info
- Fill in all the required fields on the Add a Bible Plan page:
- Plan Language
- Plan Name
- Plan Description
- Plan Images (1440x810 and 320x320)
- Target Launch Date
- Three Plan Categories
- Five Plan KeywordsWhen adding keywords, press “enter” on the keyboard, then select Save.
- Partner Website/URL
- Plan Length
- When you’re finished, click Save.
Step 2 - Add Your Plan Content

- Click the button beside the Plan Info section that says (+ New Day).
- Select Bible reference(s) for your Plan day (required for every day of a Plan).
- A plan can have multiple modules of content within a Plan day. Choose one of the available modules (Text, Video, Audio, or Image) to insert a block of content, as seen below. Follow the instructions in each specific module to enter text or upload images, video, or audio.
- After inserting one block of content, if you want to enter another block, move your mouse under the current block and click the “+” sign.
- Blocks can also be reordered. To move a block, click the “dots” (circled in red below) and drag the module to its new location.
- Want to delete a block? Hover over the block and click the “trash can” icon.
- When your Plan Day is how you want it, click Save. Repeat the steps for each day you’d like to add to the Plan.
Tip: when adding another devotional day to a Plan, make sure to click the (+ New Day) button beside your existing content.

Step 3 - Submit Your Plan
Review your content! Make sure your content is properly edited, free of errors, and adheres to our Bible Plan Basics.
Once you’ve added and proofread all of your Plan content, refresh the page. Click the “Submit Plan” button under the Plan Title.
Additional Plan Details:
Moving days: did you accidentally add days in the wrong order? The days are locked in their position, so you should move your content by copying/pasting the elements into the correct days.
- Editing: click the pencil icon in the top right corner of each day to update what you’ve saved.
- Comments: you can leave comments in the comment section on the right side of the page to communicate with our team!