Bible Publisher Featured Plan

Updated by Zizoh Anto

The Featured Plan highlights a recently published or seasonally relevant Plan. It enables the Plan to be isolated from the other content, making it easier for the user to find it in the App. Plans are a great way to make the Bible a regular part of one’s life. They give the YouVersion Community something to do each day.

Only one Featured Plan can be added at a time. If you already have a Plan featured, you’ll need to choose to replace the Plan with a new one.
  1. Tap on the Featured Plan tab.
  2. Tap Add Featured Plan.
  3. Select Language:
    • Tap the Language drop-down menu.
    • Choose the Plan language from the list.
  4. Begin typing or paste the title of the Plan.
  5. Select the Plan from the list.
  6. Select Publish.
Featured Plans can be selected in any language and will display on your Page, regardless of one’s app’s language.

Featured Plans can be started as a Private Plan or a Plan with Friends just like other non-featured Plans. This is a recommended Plan that someone should start and won’t automatically start for anyone.

Once you have selected a Plan to feature on your In-App Page, you can also share that Plan through a unique link. This is a great way to promote the Plan through email, social media, & more!

  1. Tap the Featured Plan tab.
  2. Tap Copy under your set featured Plan to copy the link.
QR codes can be generated with the app icon in multiple languages

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