Edit Plans in a Collection

Updated by Zizoh Anto

  1. Select the Custom Plans Collections tab.
  2. Select Language:
    • Top Right: tap the Language dropdown menu.
    • Choose your desired language from the list. The dropdown menu includes all languages for which you have a Plan.
    Collections will show on your in-app Page based on the App’s Plan language setting.
  3. Select the Collection for which you want to add Plans.
  4. Top right: tap Add Plans.
  5. Select one or more Plans from the list or search for Plans.
  6. Tap Add or Cancel.
  7. Reorder Plans:
    • Drag-and-Drop: tap and hold the Plan handle, then drag it to the desired position.
    • Up/Down Buttons: use the arrows on the right to move Plans up or down.
  8. The changes are applied and saved as a draft. The Collection won’t be visible on your in-app Page until you publish it.
  9. Tap Publish, then tap Publish Now to publish immediately or Publish Later to publish the Collection later.
    Learn more about the different Publish Statuses here.

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